Glory of Special Forces (特战荣耀)
Episode Recaps & Reactions [EP 1-45]
spoilers are present in these recaps & commentaries
Episode 1: Joining the military
The show opens with a team of special forces soldiers that infiltrates a drug trafficking camp base in a mountainous rice field. Yan Po Yue gets shot, and the scene flashes back to his days as a recruit.
“There’s a fire burning in my heart. It warms my faith and burns my soul. Qin Feng once said that good is the enemy of better. To become better, I crave the most intense battles. Whenever I pull the trigger, I feel the extra recoil hitting my shoulder. Things that are worthy of doing are worth our every effort. I’m cheetah, and I’m fearless.”
Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie are friends from the same city who jointly sign up for the military. They arrive at the academy as recruits and stand out immediately due to their superior endurance, intelligence, and will during training. Instead of receiving praise even though they stood out with exceptional skills, the two get punished and have to run extra laps. After failing to fold their blankets correctly, Commander Li forces them to practice how to fold their blankets outside. Yan Po Yu and Xiao Yun Jie come back with tight and neatly folded sheets but again get into trouble. The two have ruined two steel doors by using them to fold their sheets, thus being punished again. On their way from carrying the steel door, Ai Qian Xue makes her first appearance, and Xiao Yun Jie comments on her beauty. Commander Li overhears the conversation and takes them to the field.
Episode 2: Late Night Training
Xiao Yun Jie: Yan, did you see that? That female officer looks beautiful. Yan Po Xue: Is this your first time seeing a woman?
Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie stand in front of their peers in front of the field and have to repeat their conversation loudly. Commander Li punishes them by circling the canteen and repeating their discussion 200 times. Ai Qian Xue stops by to confront them and asks them to leave as it’ll just ruin her reputation, as the conversation was about her.
During their grappling session, Yan Po Yue defeats Zi Jian, who threatened them the night before. As Yan Po Yue was leaving, Zi Jian attacked him from behind. Yan Po Yue gets in defensive mode and puts Zi Jian in a blood chokehold, a banned move from the 80s because of its lethal effects.
The recruits go through special night training. Yan Po Yue, Xiao Yun Jie, and Lu Xiao Tian are put into a group of three to return to their base from the random drop-off point on the mountain. On their way back, Xiao Yun Jie tells Lu Xiao Tian a ghost story, making him run away from the path. To prevent Xiao Tian from diminishing their group efforts to return, both Yan Po Yue and Yun Jie try to stop Xiao Tian, but they all fall down the mountain slope. Xiao Tian loses both the compass and map during their fall, but Yan Po Yue finds a water source that leads them to see soldiers from a supply truck. Thinking that it’s their company’s truck, they sneak in only to belatedly realize that they’ve gotten into the special services truck. The special services are holding a training course, so Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie drag Lu Xiao Tian into joining the group in their training. After fleeing from the crossfire they started, the three ran into the chief from the opposing team.
Episode 3: Confinement
Yan Po Yue successfully uses Lu Xiao Tian’s cowardness to fool the opposing chief that they were apologetic about their actions. Once they got to the blue team’s command center, they tied up the chief. The next step was to take down the command center to make the red team win. Ai Qian Xue, part of the blue team, initially didn’t care about their appearance until Yan Po Yue shut down their power source.
Back at the academy, First Squad Leader Tian Yang and Commander Li are worried about the boys and try to search for them at the train station and mountain. After getting sent back, Commander Li gives them three days of confinement as punishment. Yan Po Yue’s past starts to get revealed here. As a young child, Yan Po Yue was in a dark cellar with a single light source being the door above him. The confinement room with the single window made Yan Po Yue nervous. On their third day of confinement, they awake to the music of the recruits receiving their ranks. The three are worried until Commander Li gives them a private ceremony and Squad Leader Tian Yang takes them to the special service company. The three are ecstatic until they realize that they will be working in the special service kitchen and not as a combat soldier.
Episode 4: Kitchen Squad
Squad Leader Fan, who is in charge of the kitchen, teaches Yan Po Yue, Xiao Yun Jie, and Lu Xiao Tian a lesson. While the three of them see that a soldier who fights and holds guns is superior to those who cook, Squad Leader Fan proves otherwise. He gives them a task to cook in the forest without producing smoke. Lu Xiao Tan cheats, while the other two fail and ask for Squad Leader Fan to show them.
“Kitchen squad may seem insignificant, but we have skills too. So don’t be arrogant. Humble yourself. Stop thinking that you’re better than others.”
Squad Leader Fan brings along the trio to get supplies. They run into a motorcyclist who happens to be a drug dealer and captures him back to the base. They report the case, but the response to coming up the mountain and taking the suspect gets delayed because of the rainstorm. During this time, the drug traffickers attack their power source, and the squad leaders take action to protect their base and the suspect. Yan Po Yue gets tasked with trying to radio support but finds out that the respondent is suspicious.
Episode 5: Target shooting with slingshot
Yan Po Yue confirms that the respondent is the enemy, specifically the sniper. He stalls the sniper from killing Squad Leader Gao while Xiao Yun Jie tries to help and Squad Leader Fan tries to locate the sniper. The suspect breaks free, and Yan Po Yue fails to maintain him. The sniper kills the suspect as he opens the door and flees. Yan Po Yue is upset that he failed to keep the suspect alive while Xiao Yun Jie gets promoted to join the combat platoon squad.
The sniper turns out to be Xing Ting, who reports to Kun Sheng, a drug lord of the group Red Scorpion. Red Scorpion is a drug trafficking group that has been in hiding since the 1980s. Though Kun Sheng knows that Xing Ting is manipulative and purposely killed Kun Meng, he hopes that Xing Ting will become powerful in the future.
“The braver you charge, the faster you’ll die. When you face a stronger enemy on the battlefield, as long as the battle spirit inside you persists, patience is used to build up strength, showing weakness is for tactical deception, and only by detour can you win.”
Yan Po Yue asks Squad Leader Fan to train him. Squad Leader Fan says that if Yan Po Yue loses in their one-to-one fight, he has to smile more often. Even though Yan Po Yue lost to Squad Leader Fan, he smiles and asks for more practice. Squad Leader Fan tells him to meet up tomorrow with a pack of soda. When Squad Leader Fan approaches Yan Po Yue and Lu Xiao Tian the next day, he asks Yan Po Yue what he wants to learn first. Yan Po Yue immediately says he wants to shoot. Squad Leader Fan doesn’t hesitate and pops open a soda to drink and then asks Xiao Tian to put the cans in the distance. Yan Po Yue was disheartened when he saw the slingshot as he expected a gun. It wasn’t until Squad Leader Fan successfully knocked down the three cans from a distance that he took the training seriously.
Episode 6: Yan Po Yue’s story
Yan Po Yue continues to practice target shooting with the slingshot. At the same time, Staff Officer Ai Qian Xue pleads for Yan Po Yue to be a part of the drill practice with Xiao Yun Jie’s request. Under Staff Officer Ai’s advice, Yan Po Yue opens up to her about his abduction, his father, and how he’s come to be where he’s currently at.
“I didn’t know where I could go or how long I was running. I only remember the sound of the wind. It gave me a sense of security.”
Xing Ting continues to try to build the best soldiers. While watching the starved captures fight for the piece of chicken, he gets a flashback to when he was fighting other kids for an ear of corn in a dark room.
The kitchen teams attend drill practice separately, but the missions are just as intense on the field. The Special Services team ends up in last place in the first mission, but under Squad Leader Fan’s guidance and Yan Po Yue’s skills, the team quickly catches up in the following two missions.
Episode 6 reactions
Yikes, Yan Po Yue has been training since he was 6-7 years old. He's only 20 years old, which means he has 10+ years of training. No wonder Xiao Yun Jie said that he had more training than most of their squad leaders. But I love this opening up of Yan Po Yue and learning a bit more about his past. We also learn that Xing Ting was probably a captive of human traffickers like Yan Po Yue. They both were stuck in a dark room that looked like it was underground, along with many kids that fought for corn to eat.
Episode 7: Drill Practice to Tunnel Rescue
The Special Services Cooking Team has to cook four dishes and one soup. While preparing to cook, they find out that they lost their solid fuel burners to start the fire. With only one working fire, Yan Po Yue comes up with the idea of creating four different dishes with just tofu. Because all three cooking teams finished cooking simultaneously and their dishes tasted good, the competition was a draw. The next mission was to deliver the food to their team as the command center. On their way, the Special Services Cooking Team realizes that there is an ambush ahead. Yan Po Yue and Squad Leader Fan proceed first and successfully defeat Xiao Lan and Company One to make the Special Services Team win. Yan Po Yue’s assistance makes his braised tofu a hit in the kitchen.
Guo Kui picks up Commander Li’s mom and girlfriend in town while running errands. A truck overtakes them in the worn-down tunnel and crashes on their way back. Guo Kui and Commander Li’s girlfriend, Xiao Ting, try to help the driver while Commander Li’s mom sits in the truck. The Special Forces kitchen squad comes to assist Guo Kui. While they were trying to get the driver out, the tunnel started to collapse. The team gets the driver and Xiao Ting out while Yan Po Yue runs back to save Commander Li’s mom.
Episode 7 reactions
Squad Leader Fan is such a softie for Yan Po Yue and his team. I adore him so much! I love his guidance and how he wants Yan Po Yue to shine as he sees Yan Po Yue's potential wasted on the kitchen team. Yet, it doesn't stop him from treating Yan Po Yue with the same standards as the kitchen team, where Po Yue has to learn his way around the kitchen. I also adore seeing their sly antics in practices. We can tell how much Yan Po Yue enjoys drill practice as he's right in his element. He smiles more and focuses in a practical way. My heart gets soft seeing this. Also, I'm coming to like Lu Xiao Tian more. He sincerely wants what's best for Yan Po Yue. The way he wishes for Yan Po Yue to get out of the kitchen and cry when the tunnel caves in with Po Yue inside. I can't wait to see what's next. Everything is so packed with plot devices, keeping me on my toes!
Episode 8: Saving Madam Li and Yan Po Yue
Yan Po Yue reaches Commander Li’s mom to find her leg injured. He gets her out just in time before the tunnel collapses in their area. They get into one of the break rooms next to the supply truck. While they are safe in the tiny break room, they are stuck, and the air vent is full of rubble.
The rainfall makes it difficult and dangerous for rescue. Despite the risk of landslide, the Regiment Commander and crew decide to continue to dig for Madam Li and Yan Po Yue. With the lack of oxygen in the room, they are pressed on time. Yan Po Yue uses Madam Li’s cellphone to contact Xiao Ting, and they get in touch with Commander Li. After verifying that the two can be in either one of the three break rooms, the group shifts their digging towards the rooms. Yan Po Yue and Madam Li are having a hard time breathing. Instead of sitting idle, Yan Po Yue tries to open the vent. As the water seeps down, it starts to wash away the dirt and shows the number “3” on the wall. Yan Po Yue calls Staff Officer Ai and tells her what room they’re in before fainting. The restless rescue team aggressively digs atop the third break room and gets Madam Li out. Before they can help Yan Po Yue, a landslide starts to fall, and the group has to retreat. With tears in their eyes, the group finally rescues Yan Po Yue out.
Yan Po Yue wakes up in the hospital with a lung infection, severe dehydration, and hypoxia. Squad Leader Fan thinks that Yan Po Yue risked his life to receive merit from Commander Li. While Xiao Yun Jie and Lu Xiao Tan visit with news that he will receive merit for his bravery; however, Commander Li will be resigning as Commander of the Special Services.
Episode 8 reactions
Yan Po Yue is upset at this news because while he doesn't like that Commander Li picks on him, he uses the challenge to build himself. This opens up to see how deeply layered Yan Po Yue is. He's built differently in his mind. He psychologically loves the challenges. I think that's why he smirks a lot and is quite mischievous because he likes doing things differently and bending the rules to do what he likes. I don't know if anyone noticed, but the way that Staff Officer Ai helped uncover the rocks and used her two hands to transfer the rocks that 2-3 men were struggling to lift XD On another side note, I feel like this weird forced love line is going on between Staff Officer Ai and Yan Po Yue. The way Xiao Yun Jie cried and yelled at Yan Po Yue, and Lu Xiao Tian joined in. My heart can't take these three and their bond. But what I realized while watching this episode that made my tear ducts so watery was that whoever wrote the script and directed this did such a great job. They tried to show us a few things in this episode/with this mini-arc, which included that soldiers will put the people first, and soldiers will help each other/no man will be left behind. Instead of just telling us that, they showed us that with this rescue scene. And I realized that they do this a lot throughout the show. You felt the desperation that the soldiers want to save these two, and you felt their pain, disparity, and hopelessness. It feels so raw and real, and it's just my cup of tea. I can't get enough!!
Episode 9: Joining combat team
Commander Li: Whether it's saving lives or killing enemies, you'll become very excited if it's a life or death situation. Yan Po Yue: I've considered myself a soldier since eight years old. Commander Li: From the time you thought of yourself as a soldier, you have no comrades. You're used to fighting alone. However, the more you want to show your strength on the real battlefield, the more you will ignore your comrades fighting alongside you. This makes it difficult for you to go far. Yan Po Yue: To go far, I must be even stronger! Commander Li: Time will tell.
After the New Year’s celebration with surprise dumplings from the three teams, Yan Po Yue officially joins Company One’s combat team. Before Yan Po Yue leaves the kitchen team, Squad Leader Fan teaches Yan Po Yue the different mines techniques, tips, and tricks. Squad Leader Fan tests Yan Po Yue with a minefield, and he comes back two hours earlier than Squad Leader Fan expected.
Vice Squad Leader, Zhou Zi Jian, doesn’t like Yan Po Yue’s addition to their team. None of the comrades wanted to form a team of three with Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie in their team mission. Squad Leader Zhang decides to join their team of two to compete in the missions. During their turn to compete in the rifle marksmanship test, Xiao Yun Jie’s sight was purposely deviated by Commander Li. Squad Leader Zhang completes his test with full marks, and Yan Po Yue finishes by hitting all the targets with the grenade launcher.
Episode 9 reactions
I love seeing the comrades playing and goofing around. I think because I know everything will get serious later, and we won't be getting any of that in future episodes. I think it's funny that since Squad Leader Fan indulges Yan Po Yue, Yan Po Yue treats him with respect. But Yan Po Yue doesn't like Commander Li, so Commander Li's words do not hold much importance. It's kind of like how you listen to one parent more than the other based on how much you like them. But what Commander Li sees in Yan Po Yue is true. I think most viewers see this side of Yan Po Yue as well, and it's hard not to want him to get over that "I, my, me, mine" phase he has.
Episode 10: Yan Po Yue’s memorial
Yan Po Yue’s team goes again Zhou Zi Jian’s team in grappling. Zhou Zi Jian stalls the match, and Xiao Fei intervenes to participate. Xiao Fei tells Yan Po Yue that he will win the match as long as he can make Xiao Fei bleed. Yan Po Yue defeats Xiao Fei, and the team rests for the night. In their next mission, all three teammates are tied to each other. They have to go through the course of open rubber fire and capture the flag within ten minutes. As they reached the three-meter concrete wall, Xiao Yun Jie got hit by a rubber bullet. He persists for Yan Po Yue to get the flag for the team, and Squad Leader Zhang Tian Yang agrees. Even though Yan Po Yue made their team win, Commander Li asks Yan Po Yue to take off his uniform. He holds a memorial for Yan Po Yue’s reckless decision not to use the ropes on top of the three-meter wall to get his team across with him.
“People like you who rush forward in the face of machine-gun assaults will become one of the following. You will either become a hero, or a dead man. Out of 100 people like you, only one can become a hero. The other 99 will die.”
Connections are jammed on the mainland, and Xing Ting doesn’t want to lose their streamline. The police force collaborates with the army to prevent the drug traffickers from infiltrating, and the Special Services Company gets selected to help. The soldiers go out on what Yan Po Yue believes is a drill pratice. Squad Leader Zhang commands Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie to guard the southern part of the hill. Yan Po Yue is resistant to the idea, and once he hears fire shots, he convinces Xiao Yun Jie to move out without permission from Squad Leader Zhang. The two meet three individuals who claim to be tourists.
Episode 10 reactions
Commander Li is tough because he knows that Yan Po Yue thinks differently and doesn't see the world/being a soldier as he does. He thinks Yan Po Yue's mindset is naive, and I think he's doing his best to make sure that Yan Po Yue understands before he transfers out. Yan Po Yue's recklessness and other soldiers who do so will most likely see themselves dead. This scene was a slap to Yan Po Yue, but it's an eye-opener for the other soldiers as well. Death isn't something easy to swallow, especially for those who you leave behind. So every decision you make on the battlefield should be taken seriously. I swear Yan Po Yue's excitement will get him seriously injured or killed one day. The way he sees being a soldier is scary. While he takes it seriously, he doesn't see the severity, treating it as something like a video game. I thought he became better with instructions, but he still acts out and speaks out when he doesn't feel like it should go or what he believes he should do. The next episode feels like it won't go so well for him.
Episode 11: Not a drill practice – catch the drug traffickers
Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie get into a hand-to-hand fight with the three-drug traffickers. While two men flee, Yan Po Yue kills one of the men with his knife. Squad Leader Zhang meets up with them and tells them to rest as they have minor injuries, and the group moves on to chase the two men on the run. While Yan Po Yue is shaken up from his first time killing someone, Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie aren’t satisfied that they let two men getaway when they had guns with them. They follow Squad Leader Zhang to the hydropower station, where he reprimands them for not following his orders.
When they approach the hydropower station, they meet Luo Fu Gui, the gatekeeper. Yan Po Yue wants to search upstairs, but he acts suspiciously and prevents them from searching the building. Squad Leader Zhang, who sees a gun pointed at Yan Po Yue, pushes Yan Po Yue away, and gets shot in the shoulder. The two drug traffickers come out with Luo Fu Gui’s wife and son as hostages. Upset that Squad Leader Zhang is hurt, Yan Po Yue offers himself as a hostage. The two men take Yan Po Yue and Luo Fu Gui away. Once they reach the border, they plan to kill the two hostages, but Yan Po Yue annihilates them after freeing himself. With injuries and blood on his hand, Yan Po Yue ushers Luo Fu Gui to flee, but Luo Fu Gui doesn’t leave him behind. The group of drug traffickers tracks Yan Po Yue and Luo Fu Gui for revenge; however, when they’re about to kill Yan Po Yue, Yan Po Yue and Luo Fu Gui get saved by the Cheetah team.
Episode 11 reactions
So many feelings in this episode, yet again! The way the soldiers begged Commander Li to tag along to rescue Yan Po Yue and Lu Fu Gui. It was a memorable scene of how desperate they were to get those two back. I was a bit stumped that the two traffickers had that much time to wait for Lu Fu Gui to dig his own grave and then Yan Po Yue to set up the grenade beforehand. Or was it the elite soldier? And was it the elite soldiers who set up the traps, or was it the Red Scorpions? When the group of elite soldiers popped up, I kind of screamed. I was ready for some slick interaction. But this is the introduction to the next arc, which will probably be Yan Po Yue trying to get into the team. If you guys remember from episode one, Yan Po Yue's voiceover said, "I'm cheetah, and I'm fearless." So, we know he eventually gets into the team, but it's obviously going to be a hurdle. But YAY to new characters!
Episode 12: PTSD
Yan Po Yue wakes up at the hospital to meet Qin Feng of the Cheetah Commando, the team that Yan Po Yue wants to join. Instead of praising Yan Po Yue, he points out all the flaws Yan Po Yue has made during his mission.
Staff Officer Ai and the military doctors visit Yan Po Yue to discuss how he feels after killing his enemies. While Yan Po Yue believes he is mentally strong, the doctor worries that he’ll act out severely in the long run.
Xing Ting continues to train new soldiers. He has his eyes on one of the woman recruits, Mi Ya, who happens to be more skilled than the other men in the group. However, Mi Ya yearns to kill Xing Ting and vocally expresses her hate for him. Mi Ya impresses Kun Sheng, and he agrees to teach her the dha (Burmese for knife/sword).
The Cheetah Commando wants to recruit more members from different squads. Commander Li tells the energetic Yan Po Yue to work hard for a chance to join an elite team. Squad Leader Zhang joins the team after recovery and wants to participate in the selection.
While practicing against Zi Jian, Yan Po Yue’s PTSD starts to act up, and he loses himself in the moment. Zi Jian gets shaken, and the doctor worries that Yan Po Yue may not recover from it. Yan Po Yue begs Commander Li not to suspend him from training.
Episode 12 reactions
The way everything moves is 60% plot punches and 40% character development (probably not super accurate, just my opinion). I like how it divides up like this, though. It'll be quite dull for this type of show to see their character grow in a slow and serious setting, but while they used plot devices to make it big and banging, we also see them moving along. I like how they don't shy away from discussing PTSD of one's first kill. Most dramas don't highlight the effect of killing someone and how it can mentally hurt you. I especially love how they don't use side characters and stories to tell me moving stories. I love how everything is delivered by seeing our main or supporting cast experience them. Also, can you all tell that Commander Li is proud of Yan Po Yue now? He really wants to help Yan Po Yue before he leaves, and I'm going to be sad to see when the arc shifts and we don't get to see Commander Li, Squad Leader Fan, and Squad Leader Zhang anymore.
Episode 13: Regiment Commander’s correspondent
Yan Po Yue does not get selected to participate in competing for the Cheetah Commando. Instead, he gets transferred to be the Regiment Commander’s correspondent. Yan Po Yue initially does not accept that he won’t be able to fight anymore but eventually gives in. He spends a month as a correspondent in a daze. Staff Officer Ai takes him to the mental ward, where he meets other soldiers who have PTSD. After spending time with the elders who have PTSD, Yan Po Yue understands the severity of war. With this new mindset, Yan Po Yue slowly starts to motivate himself that he will heal. He requests a day off to compete with his old comrades. Commander Li allows him to grapple with Xiao Yun Jie, and the fight gets intense. Right when everyone thinks that Yan Po Yue will relapse, he pulls himself together. The Regiment Commander tells Commander Li that there will be internal changes to the company, and everyone will split up.
Episode 13 reactions
First off, they're toning down Ai Qian Xue's role in the show more than I thought. She's only there to support Yan Po Yue when he needs someone to pull him up. Yet, without really giving her importance, it strips away why we need Ai Qian Xue. The things she has done for Yan Po Yue, there's no reason for her to fight for him or help him. Are we going to settle on the idea that she likes him or something? You can literally take out her role, and someone else would be more than willing to do the same things for Yan Po Yue, and it would make more sense. He has a handful of people who care about him in the company. Second, the recovery stage for Yan Po Yue felt like it was really fast. I feel like at most two months went by, and he recovered. I feel like the pacing here feels a bit fast to make the story move along. Though, I appreciate that they took some time to address it and that many people around Yan Po Yue didn't give up on him. Commander Li is a true commander of his squad. The way he massaged Squad Leader Zhang and told Xiao Yun Jie to take him to therapy. He worries about the people who are left behind now that there will be changes to the company. Also, how he is looking out for Yan Po Yue right before he leaves. His words of comfort and hug as he understood Yan Po Yue's pain - it was able to hit a spot in my heart. Not sure if we'll be seeing him in future episodes, but I feel the shift in the next big arc coming.
Episode 14: Saying Goodbye
The Regiment Commander informs Yan Po Yue that he will be taking part in the selection to be part of the Cheetah Commando. Ecstatic about the news, Yan Po Yue goes to bid Squad Leader Fan and the rest of the Special Service Company goodbye. Commander Li shares his last moments as the 9th commander of the Special Service Company. Yan Po Yue, Xiao Yun Jie, Squad Leader Zhang, Xiao Fei, Zi Jian, and Gao Zhan are on their way to their new base. The ride stops in the middle of the Gobi desert, and the mission is to see which three of the six individuals will move on. Yan Po Yue devises a plan to pass the test for all six. The first mission after entering the base is to compete in teams of three to get to the central point.
Episode 14 reactions
Commander Li finally left, and Ai Qian Xue has left as well. Yan Po Yue says goodbye to good old Squad Leader Fan, but I realized that Lu Xiao Tian has been missing for many episodes. Where is our third part of the trio at? Yang Yang's acting stands out... in a bad way. In more emotional scenes like these, I feel like he couldn't capture the sadness so that it won't feel awkward. The pregnant pause on top of it doesn't help either. I can tell he's trying, and I appreciate it, but it feels too awkward (for my liking) in these scenes. I am truly curious out of the six recruits, which ones will make it to the end. I tried to watch the first scene in episode one to figure out who makes it, but all the faces look unrecognizable to me - the face paint doesn't help.
Episode 15: First Cheetah Commando elimination round
Yan Po Yue, Squad Leader Zhang, and Xiao Yun Jie plan to let the other groups attack each other as they still have a couple of days left till the mission ends. They want to save their energy, but the three are quickly losing energy with the slew of attacks from the mission. There are two highly skilled recommended recruits in the mission, Bai Long, an old Cheetah Commando who retired to take care of his sick mother. The other is the Lone Wolf, and she’s a highly skilled sniper. Squad Leader Xiao Fei approaches her in hopes of creating an alliance, but she doesn’t agree and leaves. Squad Leader Zhang has injured himself, and the three are getting hungry. Yan Po Yue suggests that the group steals food from the trucks that pick up the eliminated recruits. However, the truck they choose to steal from has no food, so they hijack the truck to get to the next supply drop-off.
Episode 15 reactions
I'm excited to see more of the highly skilled recruits, Bai Long and Lone wolf. None of the squad leaders and high-ups from Cheetah Commando want Yan Po Yue to join the team. XD I guess his reputation really does precede him! I don't know why they have to make Bai Long look mysterious with a mask. Kind of silly, in my opinion, because they have so many gears to choose from to cover up his face. Squad Leader Zhang's end of the show is coming? He's still doing his best to save Xiao Yun Jie until the end. I'll be sad when he leaves. There have been many well-loved and familiar faces from the show that we're starting to see less of them. I thought it was funny seeing Yan Po Yue suggesting that they steal from the trucks, and even Squad Leader Zhang, who would never indulge in their antics, allowed them to do so. I realized that Yan Po Yue has never really been intelligent from the beginning; he knows how to maneuver his way around to get to the end. Indeed, I don't think I'd categorize him as a straight hero.
Episode 16: Last day of recruitment mission

Squad Leader Xiao Fei shares ammo and rations with Bai Long in hopes of teaming up with him. Night comes, and Lone Wolf exposes the hideout of Yan Po Yue, Xiao Yun Jie, and Squad Leader Zhang. Several groups were surrounding the three of them. Knowing that his injured leg would not get the three of them far in the mission, Squad Leader Zhang acts as bait to lead the intruders away.
Morning comes, and Bai Long leaves the ammo and the trio behind. When the last surviving recruits reach the warehouse, they engage in a crossfire. Yan Po Yue goes against Bai Long, being able to graze Bai Long’s mask with a bullet. Yan Po Yue runs out of bullets and accepts his fate, but being impressed by Yan Po Yue and Bai Long spares his life. Instead, Bai Long announces that he will take care of the last recruit outside (Lone Wolf) while they can fight to remove one more person. Under pressure, Squad Leader Xiao Fei betrays Gao Zhan upsetting Yan Po Yue. Yan Po Yue challenges Xiao Fei to a fight, and both their smoke lines go off, ending the mission for the five surviving recruits.
Episode 16 reactions
I get so drawn into the story that I forget that I wanted to comment on the other aspects of the show. Like the first-person camera - I find it fun, and they didn't overdo it in the past two episodes. I'm super excited to see more of Bai Long - the new side character I'm rooting for! But this episode was a whirlwind of emotions about the things I felt for Yan Po Yue. I understand Squad Leader Zhang's suicide mission because he knew his condition. Would we have appreciated it if Yan Po Yue led the two of them to save Squad Leader Zhang till the end? Yes, but Yan Po Yue isn't this type of person. He isn't heroic even though he's our protagonist. When only Xiao Yun Jie was running after the truck, I was kind of salty about it. It wasn't until Yan Po Yue fought Squad Leader Xiao Fei for his actions that Yan Po Yue redeemed himself. But I realize that Yan Po Yue's character development comes in small chunks and never a full 100% character change. He slowly understands, but he'll always put his needs first. So, it's hard not to feel sad for Yan Po Yue at the end of this episode, but we know that he will join Cheetah Commando one day. It will happen, and I'm still rooting for it!
Episode 17: Cheetah Commando Recruit
“Comrades above anything else”
Captain Qin Feng gives Yan Po Yue a chance to get into Cheetah Commando by having a one-on-one match with Lone Wolf or Guo Xiao Xiao. As he wasn’t looking to recruit a female soldier, the winner of the match would get to stay. However, Yan Po Yue denies this opportunity as Guo Xiao Xiao worked hard for it herself. Captain Qin Feng decides to let Yan Po Yue stay anyways as he is looking for six recruits.
The six of them meet up with the other recruits, and they get pushed to their limits with training. Finally making it to their base, the recruits enjoy a quick rest before having an emergency assembly in the middle of the night.
Episode 17 reactions
I realized that Yan Po Yue has quite a halo on him, given that he's the protagonist. Yet, you can tell the writers try to make it seem like the situation is unfavorable towards Yan Po Yue so that we can empathize with him on his journey. But the training is indeed tough. Yan Po Yue, Guo Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Yun Jie went without food for at least three days. Their energy is diminishing, and I can feel myself almost puking just watching them run nonstop XD
Episode 18: Cheetah Commando Training
The recruits are paired up based on how much the two recruits do not get along. Yan Po Yue is partners with Guo Xiao Xiao, and Bai Long is partners with Xiao Yun Jie. The pair of recruits have to learn how to work together and if they have the worst result at the end of the training session, they will be eliminated. Recruits are quickly facing elimination from the mentally and physically taxing training they go through daily.
Episode 18 reactions
A lot was going on in this episode just to show the intensity of training that recruits go through for this top-tier team. The lack of food on top of high-intensity training involving many mental and physical powers tests the recruits' limits. One thing I forgot to take note of previously is the obvious difference in treatment with Guo Xiao Xiao. She's definitely not getting special treatment from the squad leaders or captain; however, she is getting special treatment from her comrades. Yan Po Yue initially didn't want to fight against her, and Bai Long was trying to carry most of the weight of the log. If there's a women's team, why isn't Guo Xiao Xiao training with them, or why can't both teams train together to make it fair. While they aren't mistreating Guo Xiao Xiao, it is clear that there's a line.
Episode 19: Rice Flower for Ai Qian Xue
Yan Po Yue realizes that his target shooting skills are not good enough and can jeopardize him in the next elimination round. Yan Po Yue decides to ask Guo Xiao Xiao for help. She teaches him the fast method of stabilizing his heart to maintain his mentality and posture while under pressure. Using the 3:1 technique, Yan Po Yue can crave a flower onto the rice grain. Yan Po Yue does poorly in the first round during their moving target shooting practice but quickly catches himself to perform better in the last two. Yan Po Yue writes a letter to Ai Qian Xue and sends her a rice grain with a flower carved on the grain.
Episode 19 reactions
Captain Qin Feng is another Commander Li Xiang! He's probably not out to get Yan Po Yue as much as Commander Li, but it feels quite similar. In contrast, Guo Xiao Xiao is like Squad Leader Fan. Seeing their skills, Yan Po Yue has some sort of respect for them and eventually lowers his ego to ask them for help. I foresee them being good buddies later. On the other hand, I was questioning where Li Yi Tong is. I find it funny how she's one of the show's main characters, but it feels like she's more of a guest. At least they're trying to make her relevant? Not much has been going on if you all have noticed the length of these few recaps. A lot of training, and it indeed keeps me interested, but I want more and new juicy stuff now.
Episode 20: Hell Week

The last elimination round is to trek across the jungle for five days to reach the final destination. After climbing over the waterfall, most of the crew breaks into smaller groups, and some decide to go solo. Xiao Yun Jie gets Guo Xiao Xiao to join their group of two. Many of the recruits get injured and infected on the journey, forcing them to give up. Because of the dense forest, Yan Po Yue decides to scout the area but falls down a hunter’s trap. He gets a mini panic attack as it reminds him of being trapped in the well as a child. Guo Xiao Xiao goes down to help him while Xiao Yun Jie stays above and runs into the injured Zhou Zi Jian.
Episode 20 reactions
Hell week/initiation round for the remaining recruits. After they get over this hurdle, they'll be officially part of the Cheetah Commando - at least that's what I think. Guo Xiao Xiao really likes to pretend to be a "lone wolf," but we can tell she's warming up to Yan Po Yue.
Episode 21: Captive Torture Training

The remaining 23 recruits meet at the rally point expecting food, only to find guns and that their new rally point is 50 km away. Their enemies will be their instructors, who won’t go easy on them. Seeing most of the recruits get eliminated, Yan Po Yue uses the moonlight as guidance to get past the pathway to reach their rally point. The group survives the night but is soon captured and tortured to inform them of their camp base’s whereabouts. This is part of their training – a captive torture test. Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie successfully trick the guards into getting in close contact to attack. Despite being able to flee, the group goes back to approach their captives to find that it is Yue Kong, the man they met a couple of nights ago.
Episode 22: An official Cheetah Commando
Yan Po Yue fights with Yue Kong as revenge for the group and wins. Hell Week officially ends, and the recruits go for a check-up at the hospital before formally joining the Cheetah Commando. Yan Po Yue, Xiao Yun Jie, Guo Xiao Xiao, Bai Long, and Xu Yang are the five recruits who join the Cheetah Commando. To make a group of eight, veterans Yue Kong, Ma Liang, and Mu Qing join the five recruits.
Episode 22 reactions
There's not much to say in this episode. I'm glad that Zi Jian and Yan Po Yue had their closure. Their feud wasn't necessary, but I think they learned a lot from each other throughout their time practicing together. Guo Xiao Xiao has really come to open up to Yan Po Yue, and this is hinting toward a possible love line? It's hard to tell what kind of affection she has for Yan Po Yue at this point. Cao Ben's attitude shows how much everyone and himself has neglected the root cause of everyone's discomfort and discord. And Yan Po Yue is back at it again, putting himself and his thoughts in front of his teammates and his squad leader's orders.
Episode 23: Individualism vs. Collectivist Mindset
Yan Po Yue disregards Lu Tu’s orders to follow the battle plan. Understanding that Yan Po Yue’s outlook on individualism is different from Bai Long’s collectivist mindset, Qin Feng asks Bai Long to work with Yan Po Yue, and maybe they can learn from each other.
Guo Xiao Xiao is not happy about being the spotter for Yue Kong. Qin Feng suggests a sniper match between the two to determine their positions. Both were doing well until the last round when Guo Xiao Xiao hesitated to shoot the target behind Leng Jing and lost the match.
Kun Sheng and Xing Ting show some discord between the two and their thoughts on the future of Red Scorpion.
Episode 23 reactions
Things are starting to pick up again at a slow pace. With the inclusion of the Red Scorpion scenes, we know that there will be mission scenes involving drug trafficking. I seriously don't like the regression in Yan Po Yue. He was compliant with orders and within the group during their training/eliminations, and then suddenly, he switched back to his usual self. There's no hesitation for compromise on his face. He doesn't listen to Xiao Yun Jie, who always looks out for him. I think he treats Guo Xiao Xiao better too.
Episode 24: A team of dog and wolf

Cao Ben joins squad nine, and Qin Feng puts them into ten days of confinement. After three days, the group decides to try to get to know each other better. Guo Xiao Xiao opens up to the group about her story of growing up with her father in Inner Mongolia to her journey as a sniper. During her earlier years, she had a spotter named Leng Bing, who was bright and friendly. On a mission at the border, Leng Bing sacrificed her life to complete the mission. Ever since then, Guo Xiao Xiao decided not to have any friends. Although Guo Xiao Xiao is willing to fight and bleed for her comrades, she does not want to take on any friends who may fall into the same fate as Leng Bing.
Episode 24 reactions
Such a sad episode, and I wonder how many stories we will get out of this group. Everyone has a story, no matter what it may hold. There's something that pushes these soldiers/people to where they are at. And they simply can't just "forget" like Yan Po Yue or have nothing of importance to tell. Sometimes wounds can become your sense of strength.
Episode 25: Heroes and Childhood Friends

Bai Long tells his story of growing up without his father and how his mother was bullied into giving up their land. To become stronger and protect his mom, he joined the army and met his instructor and eventual platoon leader, Xiang Fei. Through Xiang Fei’s leadership, Bai Long was able to help his mom get back their land but eventually could not keep his ill mom or his hero, Xiang Fei, in his life.
Xiao Yun Jie tells how he became friends with Yan Po Yue. After Xiao Yun Jie loses his parents in a car accident, his uncle takes him to live with him. On his way to this uncle’s house, a young Yan Po Yue was training and bumped into him. He let his anger out, and the two got into an altercation. Xiao Yun Jie joins their school and happens to be his desk mate.
Episode 25 reactions
While Guo Xiao Xiao and Bai Long's stories were different, they both hold the same idea that someone that each of them valued in their life gave up something for their comrade. These people come into our lives unexpectedly, and they impact us so significantly that it's hard to forget. Though their death impacted these two greatly, you can tell that their fight is stronger. I was waiting for Xiao Yun Jie's story, and though he may be a cannon fodder for Yan Po Yue, I think he's one of my favorite characters in the show. They glance over his story fast and shift it to connect to Yan Po Yue, but he's a best friend that one would want in their life. Though they don't show it, due to the type of image they want to give Xiao Yun Jie, Yan Po Yue is probably one of his biggest pillars in life. I applaud the two young actors for portraying Xiao Yun Jie and Yan Po Yue's characters just as Yang Yang and Meng A Sai do. The arrogance in Yan Po Yue and the smirk in Xiao Yun Jie are present.
Episode 26: Yue Kong’s Love Story
Xiao Yun Jie and Yan Po Yue’s entanglement with Xia Li strengthens their unspoken friendship. It wasn’t until Yan Po Yue took the blame for assaulting Chen Hui that Xiao Yun Jie decided to follow Yan Po Yue diligently.
Yue Kong grew up in a military family and has always been intrigued by guns. His interest in guns has led him to pretend to be soldiers with his childhood friends, Wang Fan He and Dai Jin, and get accidentally shot as a kid. After school ended, Wang Fan He joined the military, Dai Jin went to art school, and Yue Kong majored in English. Despite doing well in school and dating Dai Jin, Yue Kong always felt like he was always missing out on something. He secretly signed up for the military and decided to leave everything behind to pursue his passion.
Episode 26 reactions
I would have loved to see more of Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie's antics in their youth. I take back what I said about Yan Po Yue not caring about Xiao Yun Jie XD However, I think he's a bit more indifferent than he was in the past. Maybe he has a lot more at stake now? I enjoy seeing squad nine relaxed around each other and hearing about Yue Kong's story. It's not full of angst like Guo Xiao Xiao or Bai Long's story, but could there be more in the next episode? Also, by opening up on his story, maybe he'll be a more prominent character in the future.
Episode 27: Trust between comrades
Yan Po Yue finally tells his story of being kidnapped as a child to his comrades. He was able to tell time despite no sunlight, the betrayal he felt from the other children, and the trauma he has dealt with throughout the years. Yan Po Yue only started to recover from it when he fell into the hunter’s trap during Hell Week, and he realized that its because he had built a bond with his comrades. His trust in them allows him not to hyperventilate.
Xing Ting reveals his story of how Kun Sheng brought him up after he got out of the same well that Yan Po Yue was in. Despite how much he appreciates Kun Sheng for taking him in, Xing Ting kills Kun Sheng over their disagreement on how to run the Red Scorpions.
Squad Nine resumes its training with better coordination.
Episode 27 reactions
So much happened in this episode. Again, the disconnect between Yan Po Yue not seeming to care that he may have risked his comrades in their training to finally accepting them. We see him working out not to make it evident that he's feeling discomfort, and then if we don't pay attention, we will miss that at some point during their 10-day confinement, Yan Po Yue has relaxed and has been able to sit down without moving. I knew that Xing Ting must've been in the same well as Yan Po Yue! The writer must've wanted to show the contrast between the two (protagonist vs. antagonist). Yan Po Yue took it to strengthen himself in the right direction. Meanwhile, Xing Ting took it as a way to steer himself in the opposite direction. I don't really get young Xing Ting's mindset as a child. Unless the authorities did him dirty, I don't see why he felt like it was the only lifestyle he could have taken. I always thought Mi Ya wanted to kill Xing Ting too. Now I'm just super confused on the Red Scorpion side. I can't wait for more action scenes. It wasn't necessarily boring to hear their stories, I was quite drawn in, but I'm ready to move forward to the other grittier parts of the show.
Episode 28: Final Assessment
Squad Nine is taking on their final assessment, and the mission is the rescue the hostage without losing any of their comrades. As the squad is running low on time, they fail to confirm their intel of the hostage, losing the mission. Qin Feng gives the team one more chance to redo the assessment. The squad moves together more fluidly in the second round; however, Qin Feng throws them a curveball with a side mission after they save the hostage.
Episode 28 reactions
Lol, Yan Po Yue suggests that they turn off all the cameras and even Bai Long and Cao Ben go for it XD My personal opinion, but I don't think understanding your teammates would make the outcome of this assessment better. They don't know how many of their enemies are there or any other kind of forces against them. Even groups with the best teamwork may not have passed.
Episode 29: Return of Lu Xiao Tian
Mi Ya comes back to the Red Scorpion base and gets harassed by General Xin Min’s men. Xing Ting pulls Mi Ya to meet General Xin Min to find her wanting to kill General Xin Min. To appease his new partner and protect himself, Xing Ting throws Mi Ya away. Xing Ting finds out that General Xin Min was why Mi Ya is in her predicament. He gives Mi Ya a chance to get her revenge during a knife fight.
Squad Nine completes the final assessment and continues their training. The 32 Cheetah Commando will be going against 800 soldiers. Some of the 800 soldiers include Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie’s old comrades. Their old regiment gets transferred over to become “punching bags.” Lu Xiao Tian secretly prepares special pork hocks for Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie.
Episode 29 reactions
OMG! Lu Xiao Tian is back in the show!! I thought we wouldn't see him anymore! So happy to see the beloved kitchen squad back in the show, and I'm excited to see the upcoming battle between the two groups. Hoping to see a few more familiar faces as well. Like Squad Leader Zhang, Squad Leader Fan, and wishful thinking with Ai Qian Xue.
Episode 30: Special Force vs. Cheetah Commando

Cheetah Commando gets a two-hour head start to depart from the Blue Team’s base. Before the time has run up, Yan Po Yue heads back to blow up the fuel supply vehicle. In anger, the Blue Team starts their attack on the Cheetah Commando. The Cheetah Commando team splits up during the crossfire, and Yan Po Yue, Xiao Yun Jie, and Guo Xiao Xiao seek out the supply truck. Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie finds Lu Xiao Tian and Squad Leader Zhang, where Yan Po Yue finds himself in a moment of weakness. Though he was hesitant, Yan Po Yue acts to take them as hostages and soon finds their act suspicious. Yan Po Yue, Xiao Yun Jie, and Guo Xiao Xiao getaway to lure out the read of the kitchen squad. Realizing that they had let their opponent getaway, Squad Leader Zhang and Lu Xiao Tian took the supply truck to the main supply depot. Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie sneak onto the supply truck and infiltrate the supply depot.
Episode 30 reactions
I love seeing these fun and less serious training and assessment that the group goes through. I'll never fail to be entertained by the mix of action and fun that Yan Po Yue brings. Also, seeing Squad Leader Zhang made me so happy! Sad that we won't be seeing Squad Leader Fan as well, but it makes me wonder how much time has passed since Yan Po Yue participated as a recruit for Cheetah Commando. 1 year? I know that Ai Qian Xue said she'd meet him again after three years, so I expect her after that three years and not anytime sooner.
Episode 31: 43% Casualty Rate
Cheetah Commando infiltrates Blue Team’s base to get the most damage out of their attack. Poking a hole in the sky, Cheetah Commando uses graphite bombs to burn Blue Team’s electricity. With Blue Team’s power down, Cheetah Commando forces their way into a bloody crossfire. Their fight causes 29 Cheetahs to go down and a 35% casualty rate on the Blue Team. With only Yan Po Yue, Xiao Yun Jie, and Guo Xiao Xiao left, the Special Forces marched out to take down their old comrades. Wanting to buy time for Yan Po Yue, Xiao Yun Jie sacrifices his life by taking down his 25th person, Zhou Zi Jian.
Episode 31 reactions
The protagonist's halo is real. Yan Po Yue walked through the crossfire with no bullets touching him. XDD Does anyone else adore Xiao Yun Jie? I wish I could get more of his character!
Episode 32: Hide and Seek with Yan Po Yue

The Blue Team’s transformer box is beyond repairable. The kitchen squad has to grab water from the well manually. They soon realize that denatonium benzoate has been added to the water, leaving it undrinkable due to its bitter taste. While looking for the source of the denatonium benzoate, Yan Po Yue eliminates a group of the Blue Team surrounding the well. Meanwhile, Guo Xiao Xiao has a standoff with Squad Leader Zhang and his group of snipers. While Guo Xiao Xiao made Squad Leader Zhang concede, their artilleries eliminated her with their carpet bomb.
Yan Po Yue stops a supply truck from entering the Blue Team’s base under the disguise of a Blue Team member. He hops into the truck to escort the truck safely and leaves 1 km before reaching the base. Along with the supplies, a female reporter, Gu Meng, is present to get footage of their training. During the chaos from Yan Po Yue sabotaging their food, Gu Meng leaves the base to get firsthand footage of Yan Po Yue. She soon realizes that Yan Po Yue isn’t a gentleman, as she is taken as a hostage. With her involvement and Yan Po Yue’s perseverance, the Red Team reaches a 50% kill ratio after seven days. However, Yan Po Yue doesn’t stop his attacks and goes missing for a total of 17 days. The Regiment Commander of the Blue Team decides to seek help from someone who Yan Po Yue would listen to.
Episode 32 reactions
Guo Xiao Xiao's skills are truly admirable in action. I think this scene makes me realize why she is named Lone Wolf. All of her other scenes talk a lot about how great she is but does little to show us her skills in action. Yan Po Yue's wit never fails to entertain me. When I saw him dressed as a blue team soldier, I knew he was up to no good. But seeing the end of this episode made me realize why Commander Li and Qin Feng were hesitant about Yan Po Yue. While he has the skills, his mindset isn't ready to tackle all of the psychological aspects of being an elite soldier.
Episode 33: Saved by Ai Qian Xue
Ai Qian Xue shows to look for the missing Yan Po Yue. While he was hesitant to see Ai Qian Xue approach him, Yan Po Yue finally caves in. After talking through his feelings and why he decided not to come back even after the training ended, Yan Po Yue passes out. The kitchen squad and Special Forces welcome Yan Po Yue back with a hearty meal.
Yan Po Yue refuses Qin Feng’s suggestion for him to seek counseling. Yan Po Yue is to take a one-week leave with no training. Lu Xiao Tian is discharged and decides to visit Yan Po Yue before returning home.
“What matters is not about making a choice, but perseverance. Hesitance only invites fear.” Regiment Commander
Xing Ting meets Mrs. Zhang to settle their territory feud, and the two groups get into a crossfire. After successfully eradicating Mrs. Zhang, one of her men catches Xing Ting’s attention. Surrounded by Xing Ting’s men, Xiao Fei is offered a position with the Red Scorpions.
Episode 33 reactions
Again, Ai Qian Xue makes a quick appearance - Li Yi Tong is barely present. I came into the show for an action-based show, so there's no disappointment except expecting to see more of Li Yi Tong. I think she's more of a special guest than the main cast. I would've been okay with no romance, but to use her name for promotion feels off to me. So from the ending of this episode, we can confirm that two years have passed. Maybe we will see a little bit more of Ai Qian Xue after the third year? No expectations, though. Another familiar face returns to the show. Did Xiao Fei really turn into the villain? I pondered on this a lot when I watched the scene where Qin Feng wouldn't take him into Cheetah Commando. He told everyone that they would regret it, but at that time, I felt like his anger wouldn't make him do something drastic. Someone as passionate as Xiao Fei about being a soldier, turning his back on his country and what he believes in, didn't sound plausible. I don't know what to feel about Xiao Fei's character this time.
Episode 34: Lu Xiao Tian, the Hero

A’Tai takes Xiao Fei on an initiation test. Xiao Fei is to put the bomb in a crowded place to get back at the Chinese police. Xiao Fei refuses to place the bomb because he isn’t getting paid for a risky job. He leaves A’Tai and sends out a text to alert the receiver about a bomb in Mengjing County.
Lu Xiao Tian and Yan Po Yue finish their meal, and Lu Xiao Tian sends Yan Po Yue to the train station. While saying their goodbyes, Yan Po Yue sees the police running around in a frenzy and A’Tai suspiciously putting a bag in a trash bin. Yan Po Yue runs after A’Tai while Lu Xiao Tian recovers the bag to unveil a bomb. Yan Po Yue runs back to diffuse the bomb while everyone evacuates the building. With roughly three minutes till the bomb blows up, Yan Po Yue asks Lu Xiao Tian to find him something to cut the wires. Time is ticking down, and under pressure, Yan Po Yue finally makes his cut, and the timer stops. With alleviation in their chest, Yan Po Yue and Lu Xiao Tian sigh in relief. Just as Lu Xiao Tian finishes remarking running once the timer hits the 30-second mark, the timer turns back on and continues to beep. Yan Po Yue realizes he won’t be able to diffuse the bomb and tells Lu Xiao Tian to run. Instead of fleeing, Lu Xiao Tian runs towards the fire exit with the bomb in his hand.
“Yan Ge, you’ve always got my back. Today, I got yours!”
The death of Lu Xiao Tian leaves Yan Po Yue in shock. Lu Xiao Tian’s mother visits Yan Po Yue, gives Lu Xiao Tian’s diary to him, and asks that they help forge a letter to Lu Xiao Tian’s sick father. Qin Feng hopes that by agreeing to Mother Lu’s request and giving Yan Po Yue leave time, he will be able to heal from the pain.
Episode 34 reactions
Why?! Why did they have to do Lu Xiao Tian dirty?! Why did they bring him back to the show just to kill him off?! While reading Lu Xiao Tian's diary, Yan Po Yue leaves the room and starts running. It reminds me of what Yan Po Yue told Ai Qian Xue about why he runs in episode six and how it gave him a sense of security. Realizing how Yan Po Yue didn't know how to deal with the pain made it harder to swallow. I'm kind of sad they didn't highlight Xiao Yun Jie's emotions. The three of them were the trio of the Special Forces.
Episode 35: Yan Po Yue faces his demons
Yan Po Yue and his father have a heart-to-heart talk about losing Lu Xiao Tian, Yan Po Yue’s kidnapping, and together, they face both of their demons that started from the well where Yan Po Yue escaped from. Before heading back, Yan Po Yue finally opens up to Aunt Pei and calls her “mom.”
Xiao Fei heads back to the Red Scorpion base and faces an accusation from Xing Ting that he is an officer. Upset, Xiao Fei denies the accusation and realizes A’Tai is framing him for setting up the bomb. Xing Ting decides to decide the feud with a fight between A’Tai and Xiao Fei. When A’Tai realizes he is losing, he pulls out a dagger and uses it against Xiao Fei. Though Xiao Fei won, he didn’t kill A’Tai, as Xiao Fei stated he would only kill for money.
Cheetah Commando receives an invitation to compete at the 12th Warrior International Special Unit competition. Qin Feng selects Bai Long, Guo Xiao Xiao, Xiao Yun Jie, and Yue Kong from squad nine to go through extra training to be the possible participants. While everyone expected Yan Po Yue to be upset, he asked to transfer to the logistics department to help assist his comrades in other ways.
Episode 35 reactions
This heart-to-heart with his parents wasn't something I would ever expect from this show. Most Chinese dramas skip over trauma to use as plot devices. While Yan Po Yue's trauma from losing Lu Xiao Tian was its own, his thoughts and viewed life stemmed from his father and how he grew up. Settling with his parents on how he felt and their feelings truly made him feel at peace. When he threw the saffron, it made me sad, but I realized that it truly marked a new beginning for Yan Po Yue. I love the concern that squad nine shows for Yan Po Yue, their time spent training together did not go to waste. I think with their continuous support, Yan Po Yue will get back to his "normal" self in no time.
Episode 36: Mission in Southern Yunnan
Yue Kong, Bai Long, Xiao Yun Jie, and Guo Xiao Xiao get selected to participate in the competition. While Xiao Yun Jie, Guo Xiao Xiao, Lu Tu, and Leng Bing get upset for Yan Po Yue, Yan Po Yue works hard as a logistic team member.
Qin Feng has to assist the armed police force catch a drug trafficker associated with the Red Scorpions from southern Yunnan, Shu Hai. With most squad nine members participating in the competition, Qin Feng takes squad seven with him and invites the matured Yan Po Yue.
Episode 37: Mission at the border

Yan Po Yue saves Wei Wei from Shu Hai and successfully brings him in.
Xing Ting knows that there is a mole in his group and sends out the suspect on a mission. The police have received intel from their mole that the Red Scorpions will be making a drug transport near the border. Cheetah Commando’s Squad Nine will be partaking in the takedown of the drug traffickers.
Cheetah Commando waits at the Zi Yan mountain pass to ambush the drug traffickers. Knowing that police officers are likely waiting for them, Lai makes the Red Scorpions use recon by fire or speculative fire on possible hiding spots. Once Cheetah Commando starts to attack, Xiao Fei tells Lai and the group to retreat. Lai denies it as their real quest is to finish off Cheetah Commando as Xing Ting has the actual goods. As Cheetah Commando is attacking, they get attacked by rapid-fire, injuring many of the Cheetahs.
Episode 37 reactions
Yan Po Yue's mission felt like a walk in the park. There was a lot of negotiation and little action during the takedown of Shu Hai. It makes me wonder why they called Shu Hai a tiger? Why do they do this to us? Tell us Yue Kong's story just to kill him off?! This episode had so much action but so much pain involved. The way Yan Po Yue didn't want to leave Xiao Yun Jie. If it was before Lu Xiao Tian's death, would he have left in anger to attack the enemy instead? The little forehead touch between the two was so sweet as well!
Episode 38: Yan Po Yue captured
In anger, Yan Po Yue leaves to attack the mortar base while using his grenade launcher to attack them. Though Yan Po Yue was successful, he gets impacted by the enemy grenade and tumbles down the mountain.
Cao Ben saves Bai Long, but hearing that Yan Po Yue is lost and Yue Kong is dead, Cao Ben leads the uninjured comrades to attack the Red Scorpions. Guo Xiao Xiao spots their inside man and realizes it’s Xiao Fei. While Cao Ben uses his shoulders as a tripod and forces Xiao Yun Jie to attack the Red Scorpions. Cao Ben damages his eardrums with his actions and may not hear again.
Xiao Fei makes Lai take Yan Po Yue back to the base as a hostage. Meanwhile, Lu Tu’s squad surrounded Xing Ting as he made his trade. Xing Ting escapes through a secret tunnel, and Lu Tu has to stop his pursuit as Xing Ting has already crossed the border.
Xiao Fei admits that he used to be a soldier and uses his feud with Yan Po Yue to clear his name as the mole. Lai believes his words while Xing Ting still doubts him. Xing Ting wants Xiao Fei to kill Yan Po Yue but decides to keep Yan Po Yue alive as a hostage.
Episode 38 reactions
Yan Po Yue defeating the mortar squad felt so good. Guo Xiao Xiao was especially slick with her gun as well. They aren't the Cheetah Commando for nothing. Cao Ben's pain, I think he may have finally felt like he redeemed himself for Bai Long. But now, with Cao Ben's injuries, Bai Long would probably feel even worse. I would assume Xiao Fei would be the mole over deserting to work with the enemies. While Xiao Fei is hot-headed, he is smart, and his tactics are never nice. We've seen how he plays during the recruitment round for Cheetah Commando and why he couldn't join the group. I think his reasoning for capturing Yan Po Yue was to lead him to the enemies' base. These past two episodes were so action-packed, and I loved it! I can't wait to see more and will be sad when the show is over.
Episode 39: Mission: Capture Xing Ting

Xiao Fei releases Yan Po Yue, and he successfully escapes back to China. A’Tai gets killed when A’Lai finds that Yan Po Yue used his blade to kill their brothers. Xiao Fei temporarily passes the test. A memorial service is held for Yue Kong, and Cao Ben says his farewell as the captain of Squad Nine.
The Red Scorpions forcefully recruit young boys to join them. Xing Ting uses one of the boys to follow Xiao Fei and finds out that he is the mole. Not hearing from Xiao Fei, the police decide to act. Their mission is to rescue Xiao Fei and bring Xing Ting back alive to go on trial. Xiao Yun Jie injuries his leg during training and sat out on the mission as the rest of Squad Nine heads to the Red Scorpion base to attack.
Episode 40: Promotion of Squad Nine
Mi Ya takes on Guo Xiao Xiao while the rest of the squad tries to attack their way out. After a heavy crossfire with the Red Scorpions, Yan Po Yue requests permission to capture Xing Ting. Xing Ting tells A’Lai to find Mi Ya to meet at their rendezvous point. While Yan Po Yue tries to capture Xing Ting, Guo Xiao Xiao successfully takes on A’Lai and Mi Ya. Cheetah Commando runs low on ammo, and right as Yan Po Yue pulls the flare, he gets shot. Xu Yang and Guo Xiao Xiao come through to help the group evacuate safely.
The whole group receives merit for their successful mission, and they present it to Lu Xiao Ting, Yue Kong, and Xiang Fei. Ai Qian Xue makes her appearance as their new instructor.
Episode 40 reactions
We finally get the scene from the beginning with a different monologue from Yan Po Yue! I am sad that Xiao Yun Jie couldn't join in on the mission and receive merits along with the rest of his comrades. I hope we continue to see him until the end. We get another quick scene with Ai Qian Xue, hinting that we may see more of her in the rest of the show. I feel like this could be a good ending to the show. I'm curious as to what else the drama can give us.
Episode 41: Pei Ta Yan vs. Yan Po Yue

The elite soldiers don’t respect Ai Qian Xue when she tells them that they won’t last long against their more advanced enemies with their weapons and technology with their current knowledge and abilities. Ai Qian Xue only has six months to train these elite soldiers to become more knowledgeable commanders. Cheetah Commando and the elite soldiers attend the Special Police Academy, where Ai Qian Xue will be their instructor. Cheetah Commando meets their match at the academy when Pei Ta Yan, Su Jian Fan, Ren Xiao Chuan, and Mao Lang join the class. The soldiers with the lowest scores will have to leave the program.
Episode 41 reactions
The mocking clap that Yan Po Yue made the whole group of elite soldiers perform for Ai Qian Xue was hilarious! The applause said a thousand words about their feelings for Ai Qian Xue's lecture, which makes sense for a group of soldiers who does nothing but train and fight. A female officer with no tactical training comes in to tell them they will be eliminated one day by others must make them upset. I read in a comment that the beef between Pei Ta Yan and Yan Po Yue has familial ties in the novel, but for the sake of the drama, Pei Ta Yan and his name change is to taunt Yan Po Yue.
Episode 42: Cheetah Commando Learns English
The Cheetah Commando’s four comrades diligently work hard to memorize their English vocabulary and learn their alphabet. Leng Bing presents Guo Xiao Xiao with an opportunity to become a female sniper instructor in her place.
During their 10 km weighted training assessment, Bai Long faints at the finish line. After waking up in the infirmary, Bai Long tells Yan Po Yue that he will be withdrawing from the program. While Yan Po Yue, Guo Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Yun Jie don’t want him to leave, they give him a tearful goodbye. After Bai Long leaves, Guo Xiao Xiao denies Leng Bing’s recommendation and decides to stay with Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie.
Qin Feng has plans to train the next best team for the anti-terrorism drill.
Episode 42 reactions
Lol, Xiao Yun Jie continues to crack me up! I realize that though Bai Long is the captain, Yan Po Yue has led the team a lot. I wished they showed more of his leadership vs. Yan Po Yue. But we're nearing the end, and I'm sad to see many of the characters I've learned to enjoy seeing onscreen leave.
Episode 43: 12th Warrior Special Forces International Competition
Lu Tu leads Pei Ta Yan, Yan Po Yue, Guo Xiao Xiao, Xiao Yun Jie, Xu Yang, Su Jian Fan, Ren Xiao Chuan, Gu Meng, and Mao Lang to compete as a team at the 12th Warrior Special Forces International Competition. Pei Ta Yan and the other three elite soldiers’ methods of taking care of the team get acknowledged by the rest of Cheetah Commando. The first mission of the competition is a simulation to rescue a hijacked plane from terrorists.
Episode 44: Operation Red Wing

Guo Xiao Xiao acts as the negotiator to buy time for the team. She gets taken into the plane as a hostage and opens the cabin door for the team to enter. Cheetah Commando finishes the mission with four dead terrorists, two captured terrorists, and all members and hostages unscathed. After passing part one of the hijacking mission, the next part starts immediately. Each team is to find the objective of why the terrorists hijacked the plane. After finding a news article on missing dirty bombs, Yan Po Yue suspects that the terrorists will use this time to take the bombs out of the unsearched cabins. Pei Ta Yan allows him to act as vice-captain, so Yan Po Yue takes Guo Xiao Xiao, Xu Yang, and Xiao Yun Jie to search the perimeter. Yan Po Yue finds the dirty bomb and forces everyone to leave the area and detonate the bomb.
The last part of the mission is to work collaboratively with the other countries and find “S,” the mastermind of the terrorists. Upon investigating, the team runs into three shepherds, and the group realizes that it’s a reply to Operation Red Wing.
Episode 44 reactions
*I thought that the hijacking mission was interesting because each team had different circumstances that they needed to consider. It showed that each event will differ and that premade plans may not always work. One should be ready to develop a new plan and complete the mission. Yan Po Yue's assumption was too spot-on. I knew it was something that had to be correct because he's our protagonist. I like the roundabout of Operation Red Wing and how they mentioned it way earlier with Yue Kong with no real solution, and then now Yan Po Yue has to face it again with this mission. I'm sad it'll be over so soon.
Episode 45: Captain Yan Po Yue

Yan Po Yue and two other comrades posed as the shepherds to enter the guarded town. They meet the informant who leads them to where “S” should be, but the place turns out to be a trap. Yan Po Yue was the only survivor, and he got stuck in a heavy crossfire with the enemies. Pei Ta Yan jumps in to help him, and they find S’s location. After successfully capturing S, they call for pickup right before the enemy’s mortar fires at them. However, one of their helicopters was shot down, and now the group has to rescue the survivors before returning with S. The Cheetah Commandos volunteer to help their surviving teammates. Pei Ta Yan gets shot in the leg and passes his leadership to Yan Po Yue.
After getting picked up, the group let their guard down and got attacked on the road. Yan Po Yue tells the group to retreat while he holds them off. With the drill over, everyone makes their way back to base but realizes that Yan Po Yue is missing. Cheetah Commando is worried about Yan Po Yue getting lost in the 50 kilometers of desert, but he comes back with a proud smile.
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